Two newly constructed outdoor volley courts at Ga. Nilandhoo and
Ga. Dhaandhoo are officially opened by Minister Ahmed Mahloof. During a
minister's special visit to a few islands in the Ga Atoll, the unveiling
ceremonies were held.
Ga. Nilandhoo, Ga. Dhaandhoo, Ga. Villingili, and Ga. Maamendhoo
were among the islands the minister visited. During the visit, the minister was
accompanied by the deputy minister, Ahmed Fuad, the parliamentarian for the Ga.
Dhaandhoo seat, Yaugoob Abdulla, and Ismail Rauf, the senior executive director
of the ministry of youth, sports, and community empowerment.
After the inauguration, a special game of volleyball was played on
both islands, in which the minister Mahloof also took part.
According to Minister Mahloof, there are currently 38 outdoor
volley courts being built, and 12 have already been built. The government
places a lot of emphasis on growing volley as a sport, thus building these
courts represents a significant investment in that growth.
outdoor gym constructed at Ga. Dhaandhoo was also opened by the minister. With
Indian aid, this gym was developed.