Minister reviews status of sports facilities set up in Hulhumale'

25 November 2023

Minister of Sports, Fitness and Recreation Abdulla Rafiu conducted a comprehensive review of the status of sports facilities established in Hulhumale', assessing their current condition and functionality.
The minister was accompanied by Ministers of State for Sports, Permanent Secretary Hussain Shareef, heads of various departments of the ministry and heads of some sports associations during his visit to these venues.
As part of the minister's visit, the initial visit involved an inspection of the Hulhumale' synthetic track. Subsequently, the minister proceeded to the mini-sports complex, methodically examining the venues conducive to hosting a variety of sports.
Following the sports complex, the minister proceeded to assess the two futsal grounds established in Hulhumale' Phase 2. After, attention was directed towards the designated area for the development of a cricket stadium in Hulhumale’ Phase 2, where the minister conducted a thorough inspection.
In the comprehensive tour, the minister visited the youth center established at Hiyaa Flat 12, designed to provide a space for youth engagement in various sports activities. Additionally, he assessed the condition of the futsal fields set up in Hulhumale' Phase 1, ensuring a thorough review of these facilities.